Abby Roars!

September 19, 2009

While playing with the geeky mom and Aunt Sandi this week, Abby suddenly became frustrated at her inability to master the English language by her seventh month. Desperately trying to communicate, she reverted to some kind of animal-based, guttural growl. She hasn’t done it much since, but dang, it was funny at the time.

Abby Standing Around

September 12, 2009

Abby is blowing us away with what all she’s learning and the pace at which she’s picking things up. It seems like she’ll do something for the first time on one day, and then totally master it by the next day. Having just turned seven months, she’s been speed crawling for a week or two now, and she has started pulling herself up on furniture. I imagine she’s only days away from “cruising” side to side on the sofa. Here’s a video I got this morning of her standing around at the sofa. Notice the slight showing off as she takes one hand off, turns around to me, and says “Da Da.”

Yes, that’s what she said. No, she hasn’t associated that with me so far. But it’s coming. I feel it.

Abby’s First Cracker Barrel Visit

September 7, 2009

We spent Friday and Saturday night in Atlanta visiting family and friends, but had to rush home Sunday morning to make church commitments that night. As we drove through Chattanooga around 11:15 a.m., we thought about lunch but decided to hold off since we were in a rush. However, a mile after we passed the Chattanooga Cracker Barrel (where we had just pulled off to change Abby’s diaper), we hit a complete and total stop on the interstate. There was a massive wreck on I-24, and all lanes were blocked on both sides. So, we cut across the median and headed back to Cracker Barrel. Hey, I’d rather sit there for an hour eating fine country cookin’ than sit on the interstate going out of my mind.

So, Abby got to see her first Cracker Barrel, a landmark moment for any southern belle. Now Abby has always been fascinated with ceiling fans. I secretly worry that she thinks fans are God–in every room, always looking down, always watching over, etc. So, when we walked into Cracker Barrel, with all the gifts, warm smells, twinkling lights, and yes, ceiling fans, I thought her head was going to explode. She kept darting her head from one side to the other trying to take it all in. It was fantastic.

This was also her first time in a restaurant high-chair. She did great, although she was determined to eat the table. Yes, I know it’s disgusting and we’re horrible parents for letting her mouth hit the table. But we cleaned it as best we could and come on, it’s freaking adorable.

